a new face & an unexpected reveal
It’s been over two years since I self-published my first ever poetry book, Bittersweet. It was a truly euphoric experience, born from my profound desire to see my writings in bound pages, preserved forever.
Winter was born out of my love for rhymes. It was a joyful and exciting feeling when I was able to weave words melodically and playfully. It was my honest attempt and nowhere near as those who have crafted this skill to best. However, as I share this mini collection with you, I hope that even one of these poems will make you like structured, rhythmic poems as much as I do.
As I launch my second poetry book, I thought it would be best to give my “firstborn” a new cover! With Winter joining my bookshelf, it seemed fitting that my two published books match one another, for they are sisters.
So, if you still don’t have a copy of either of my books, I implore you to get both of them as they very much like to stay together.
Lots of love,